Content-Debiased FVD#

cd-fvd is a library for computing the Fréchet Video Distance (FVD) in Python.

Features include:

  • Computing FVDs between two sets of videos with I3D or VideoMAE models.

  • Computing and saving features of videos in different formats.

  • Precomputed statistics for existing datasets.

Get Started#

# Clone the repository.
git clone

# Install the package.
# You can also install via pip: `pip install cd-fvd`.
cd ./content-debiased-fvd
pip install -e .

# Compute the FVD on two sets of videos.
from cdfvd import fvd
evaluator = fvd.cdfvd('videomae', ckpt_path=None)
score = evaluator.compute_fvd_from_stats()