Source code for cdfvd.fvd

import os
import scipy
import torch
import numpy as np
from .utils.data_utils import get_dataloader, VID_EXTENSIONS
from .utils.metric_utils import seed_everything, FeatureStats

import numpy as np
import torch
import requests

from tqdm import tqdm
from einops import rearrange

from .third_party.VideoMAEv2.utils import load_videomae_model, preprocess_videomae
from .third_party.i3d.utils import load_i3d_model, preprocess_i3d

from typing import List, Optional, Union
import numpy.typing as npt

def get_videomae_features(stats, model, videos, batchsize=16, device='cuda', model_dtype=torch.float32):
    vid_length = videos.shape[0]
    for i in range(0, videos.shape[0], batchsize):
        batch = videos[i:min(vid_length, i + batchsize)]
        input_data = preprocess_videomae(batch)  # torch.Size([B, 3, T, H, W])
        input_data =, dtype=model_dtype)
        with torch.no_grad():
            features = model.forward_features(input_data)
            stats.append_torch(features, num_gpus=1, rank=0)
    return stats

def get_i3d_logits(stats, i3d, videos, batchsize=16, device='cuda', model_dtype=torch.float32):
    vid_length = videos.shape[0]
    for i in range(0, vid_length, batchsize):
        batch = videos[i:min(vid_length, i + batchsize)]
        input_data = preprocess_i3d(batch)
        input_data =, dtype=model_dtype)
        with torch.no_grad():
            features = i3d(input_data)
            stats.append_torch(features, num_gpus=1, rank=0)
    return stats

[docs] class cdfvd(object): '''This class loads a pretrained model (I3D or VideoMAE) and contains functions to compute the FVD score between real and fake videos. Args: model: Name of the model to use, either `videomae` or `i3d`. n_real: Number of real videos to use for computing the FVD score, if `'full'`, all the videos in the dataset will be used. n_fake: Number of fake videos to use for computing the FVD score. ckpt_path: Path to save the model checkpoint. seed: Random seed. compute_feats: Whether to compute all features or just mean and covariance. device: Device to use for computing the features. half_precision: Whether to use half precision for the model. ''' def __init__(self, model: str = 'i3d', n_real: str = 'full', n_fake: int = 2048, ckpt_path: Optional[str] = None, seed: int = 42, compute_feats: bool = False, device: str = 'cuda', half_precision: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): self.model_name = model self.ckpt_path = ckpt_path self.seed = seed self.device = device self.n_real = n_real self.n_fake = n_fake self.real_stats = FeatureStats(max_items=None if n_real == 'full' else n_real, capture_mean_cov=True, capture_all=compute_feats) self.fake_stats = FeatureStats(max_items=n_fake, capture_mean_cov=True, capture_all=compute_feats) self.model_dtype = ( torch.float16 if half_precision else torch.float32 ) assert self.model_name in ['videomae', 'i3d'] print('Loading %s model ...' % self.model_name) if self.model_name == 'videomae': self.model = load_videomae_model(torch.device(device), ckpt_path).eval().to(dtype=self.model_dtype) self.feature_fn = get_videomae_features else: self.model = load_i3d_model(torch.device(device), ckpt_path).eval().to(dtype=self.model_dtype) self.feature_fn = get_i3d_logits
[docs] def compute_fvd_from_stats(self, fake_stats: Optional[FeatureStats] = None, real_stats: Optional[FeatureStats] = None) -> float: '''This function computes the FVD score between real and fake videos using precomputed features. If the stats are not provided, it uses the stats stored in the object. Args: fake_stats: `FeatureStats` object containing the features of the fake videos. real_stats: `FeatureStats` object containing the features of the real videos. Returns: FVD score between the real and fake videos. ''' fake_stats = self.fake_stats if fake_stats is None else fake_stats real_stats = self.real_stats if real_stats is None else real_stats mu_fake, sigma_fake = fake_stats.get_mean_cov() mu_real, sigma_real = real_stats.get_mean_cov() m = np.square(mu_real - mu_fake).sum() s, _ = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(, sigma_fake), disp=False) return np.real(m + np.trace(sigma_fake + sigma_real - s * 2))
[docs] def compute_fvd(self, real_videos: npt.NDArray[np.uint8], fake_videos: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]) -> float: ''' This function computes the FVD score between real and fake videos in the form of numpy arrays. Args: real_videos: A numpy array of videos with shape `(B, T, H, W, C)`, values in the range `[0, 255]` fake_videos: A numpy array of videos with shape `(B, T, H, W, C)`, values in the range `[0, 255]` Returns: FVD score between the real and fake videos. ''' self.real_stats = self.feature_fn(self.real_stats, self.model, real_videos, device=self.device, model_dtype=self.model_dtype) self.fake_stats = self.feature_fn(self.fake_stats, self.model, fake_videos, device=self.device, model_dtype=self.model_dtype) return self.compute_fvd_from_stats( self.fake_stats, self.real_stats)
[docs] def compute_real_stats(self, loader: Union[, List, None] = None) -> FeatureStats: ''' This function computes the real features from a dataset. Args: loader: real videos, either in the type of dataloader or list of numpy arrays. Returns: FeatureStats object containing the features of the real videos. ''' seed_everything(self.seed) if loader is None: assert self.real_stats.max_items is not None return while self.real_stats.max_items is None or self.real_stats.num_items < self.real_stats.max_items: for batch in tqdm(loader): real_videos = rearrange(batch['video']*255, 'b c t h w -> b t h w c').byte().data.numpy() self.real_stats = self.feature_fn(self.real_stats, self.model, real_videos, device=self.device, model_dtype=self.model_dtype) if self.real_stats.max_items is not None and self.real_stats.num_items >= self.real_stats.max_items: break if self.real_stats.max_items is None: break return self.real_stats
[docs] def compute_fake_stats(self, loader: Union[, List, None] = None) -> FeatureStats: ''' This function computes the fake features from a dataset. Args: loader: fake videos, either in the type of dataloader or list of numpy arrays. Returns: FeatureStats object containing the features of the fake videos. ''' seed_everything(self.seed) while self.fake_stats.max_items is None or self.fake_stats.num_items < self.fake_stats.max_items: for batch in tqdm(loader): fake_videos = rearrange(batch['video']*255, 'b c t h w -> b t h w c').byte().data.numpy() self.fake_stats = self.feature_fn(self.fake_stats, self.model, fake_videos, device=self.device, model_dtype=self.model_dtype) if self.fake_stats.max_items is not None and self.fake_stats.num_items >= self.fake_stats.max_items: break if self.fake_stats.max_items is None: break return self.fake_stats
[docs] def add_real_stats(self, real_videos: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]): ''' This function adds features of real videos to the real_stats object. Args: real_videos: A numpy array of videos with shape `(B, T, H, W, C)`, values in the range `[0, 255]`. ''' self.real_stats = self.feature_fn(self.real_stats, self.model, real_videos, device=self.device, model_dtype=self.model_dtype)
[docs] def add_fake_stats(self, fake_videos: npt.NDArray[np.uint8]): ''' This function adds features of fake videos to the fake_stats object. Args: fake_videos: A numpy array of videos with shape `(B, T, H, W, C)`, values in the range `[0, 255]`. ''' self.fake_stats = self.feature_fn(self.fake_stats, self.model, fake_videos, device=self.device, model_dtype=self.model_dtype)
[docs] def empty_real_stats(self): ''' This function empties the real_stats object. ''' self.real_stats = FeatureStats(max_items=self.real_stats.max_items, capture_mean_cov=True)
[docs] def empty_fake_stats(self): ''' This function empties the real_stats object. ''' self.fake_stats = FeatureStats(max_items=self.fake_stats.max_items, capture_mean_cov=True)
[docs] def save_real_stats(self, path: str): ''' This function saves the real_stats object to a file. Args: path: Path to save the real_stats object. ''' print('Real stats saved to %s' % path)
[docs] def load_real_stats(self, path: str): ''' This function loads the real_stats object from a file. Args: path: Path to load the real_stats object. ''' self.real_stats = self.real_stats.load(path) print('Real stats loaded from %s' % path)
[docs] def load_videos(self, video_info: str, resolution: int = 256, sequence_length: int = 16, sample_every_n_frames: int = 1, data_type: str = 'video_numpy', num_workers: int = 4, batch_size: int = 16) -> Union[, List, None]: ''' This function loads videos from a way specified by `data_type`. `video_numpy` loads videos from a file containing a numpy array with the shape `(B, T, H, W, C)`. `video_folder` loads videos from a folder containing video files. `image_folder` loads videos from a folder containing image files. `stats_pkl` indicates that `video_info` of a dataset name for pre-computed features. Currently supports `ucf101`, `kinetics`, `sky`, `ffs`, and `taichi`. Args: video_info: Path to the video file or folder. resolution: Resolution of the video. sequence_length: Length of the video sequence. sample_every_n_frames: Number of frames to skip. data_type: Type of the video data, either `video_numpy`, `video_folder`, `image_folder`, or `stats_pkl`. num_workers: Number of workers for the dataloader. batch_size: Batch size for the dataloader. Returns: Dataloader or list of numpy arrays containing the videos. ''' if data_type=='video_numpy' or video_info.endswith('.npy'): video_array = np.load(video_info) video_loader = [{'video': rearrange(torch.from_numpy(video_array[i:i+batch_size])/255., 'b t h w c -> b c t h w')} for i in range(0, video_array.shape[0], batch_size)] elif data_type=='video_folder': print('Loading from video files ...') video_loader = get_dataloader(video_info, image_folder=False, resolution=resolution, sequence_length=sequence_length, sample_every_n_frames=sample_every_n_frames, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers) elif data_type=='image_folder': print('Loading from frame files ...') video_loader = get_dataloader(video_info, image_folder=True, resolution=resolution, sequence_length=sequence_length, sample_every_n_frames=sample_every_n_frames, batch_size=batch_size, num_workers=num_workers) elif data_type=='stats_pkl': video_loader = None cache_name = '%s_%s_%s_res%d_len%d_skip%d_seed%d.pkl' % (self.model_name.lower(), video_info, self.n_real, resolution, sequence_length, sample_every_n_frames, 0) current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) ckpt_path = os.path.join(current_dir, 'fvd_stats_cache', cache_name) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(ckpt_path), exist_ok=True) if not os.path.exists(ckpt_path): # download the ckpt to the path ckpt_url = '' % cache_name response = requests.get(ckpt_url, stream=True, allow_redirects=True) total_size = int(response.headers.get("content-length", 0)) block_size = 1024 with tqdm(total=total_size, unit="B", unit_scale=True) as progress_bar: with open(ckpt_path, "wb") as fw: for data in response.iter_content(block_size): progress_bar.update(len(data)) fw.write(data) self.real_stats = self.real_stats.load(ckpt_path) else: raise ValueError('Invalid real_video path') return video_loader
[docs] def offload_model_to_cpu(self): ''' This function offloads the model to the CPU to release the memory. ''' self.model = self.model.cpu() torch.cuda.empty_cache()